Showing business is open with video marketing

How To Use Video Correctly To Market Your Business?

How to use videos correctly in today’s video marketing. Video can be an amazing marketing tool but it can also be a huge waste of time. Let’s talk about how to use video correctly to market your business.

The video its self should be worth viewing and of good enough quality. That should go without saying. What matters now is how the video is used. The video in its self is not what gets results.

Many people are under the illusion that once a video is made, that’s it, the business comes pouring in.

To fully understand video marketing you need to think of a video like a flyer of old. No matter how great the art work and wording, if it does not end up in the right hands, it is useless.

There are three ways that video can be used correctly.

1) As a way to “close the deal” when people have come to your website.
2) As a way to draw people to your website.
3) As a way to build back-links for Google.

Notice none of these are a way to have the viral millions watch your video.

If you intend getting a huge following on viral videos, then you can forget about your business and try to make money from YouTube as a content provider. If you intend marketing your business then you can forget about viral video.

Firstly the video should be uploaded to YouTube. That part is obvious. The way you use it is then to place the YouTube video as an embed in your site. That means not uploading the video to your site but having it be in a video player on your site which plays the YouTube video. This not only reduces the data storage and bandwidth of the video on the site but also increases its Google value.


How To USe Videos Correctly With Back linking From Videos

Then make sure you create back links from and to your YouTube video.

The sending of back links to the video can be fairly simple but creating links from your video can be tricky.

Firstly you have to verify that you are in control of the website you want to send links to and then you have to make sure all the settings on Your YouTube channel are correct to allow you to send out going links. These are now made as cards and not as annotations anymore. Also remember to have a link in your content information section on your video back to your website or blog. These can’t be keyword rich back links but can still be valuable links. Now keep in mind that this is not just about back linking but about getting people to take action on your advert or commercial.

Yes that’s right it’s an advert. If you think your video is not an advertisement then you are not clear about video marketing ” No I don’t want a commercial, I just want a video for my company” some might say. To do what? To bring in customers? That’s a commercial.

So what your video must do is not just tell people what your company is but give them a compelling reason to contact your company.

That means that the viewer must be engaged and want what you have to offer by the end of the video.

The video should be a trigger for them to complete the task of either contacting your company or making a purchase. If you are simply entertaining the viewer or even worse, wasting their time with drivel about how your business has existed since the 1970s or that you have the newest equipment, then you have gone down the wrong road.

Your company video should interesting, enjoyable and more importantly compelling as a sales tool to get the potential client to contact your company or make a purchase.

So contact your favourite corporate video production companies in Johannesburg and get a professional corporate video made to market your business.


Try to think from the buyer’s or viewers point of view.